Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

Today is the big day, what do you have planned?? I am not cooking this year, in fact, I think I will get some scrapbooking done today!! Hows that for a great day?! I usually cook, but this year I have resolved myself to relaxing and slowing down a bit. That is my early resolution as we go into the holiday's. I won't be going out at 3:00 A.M. tomorrow morning shopping for that "perfect" gift for everyone, I'm not going to worry about every decoration being perfect, my homemade Christmas cards will be simple, the baking will be simple and I will watch "A Christmas Story" as many times as I want without my family commenting about it. Okay, maybe not the last one, but at least I won't care if they gripe about it! This is the year that we will slow down and enjoy the true meaning of the season and it will be perfect. Jeanette Lynton has been posting what she is thankful for every day on her blog here and that got me thinking, could I come up with at least ten things that I am thankful for? To my surprise, I had a huge list in a matter of minutes. Here are my top ten:

1. My husband of almost 16 years.
2. My kids, they have taught ME so much.
3. My parents, they are the "best" grandparents.
4. That I get to share my passion of paper crafting with so many.
5. Health, don't take it for granted!
6. Friends; new, old, cyber, I love you all.
7. Being a stay at home mom and being involved in my children's lives.
8. All of our animals and the compassion that they teach us.
9. Our annual family vacations.
10. Technology and all of the wonderful inventions that have made life easier.

I hope you all have a great Thanksgiving and take a few minutes to tell someone how grateful you are that they are part of your life.

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