Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Where does time go????

Yes, I know I have been a bad blogger lately!!! I don't have anything crafty to share because I haven't been to my scrapping corner in a looooong time. Part of the reason is that my mojo left and I can't find it! The other reason is that we have just been plain busy around here.

For anyone that doesn't know, I have been on a mission to lose weight. The pounds just kept sneaking up on me over the years and I couldn't take it anymore. I became VERY conscious of what I ate and I got active. I work out with a personal trainer once a week and make an effort to do something physical every day. My efforts have paid off because I have lost 50 pounds since January!!! WOOOHOOOO!!!!!I still can't wrap my mind around what 50 extra pounds felt like. I am very proud of myself to say the least!!!
Anyhow, I have some pictures to share of some of the things we have been up to in the last two weeks.

Pismo Beach
It was cold and windy, but we didn't care. Any day at Pismo is a good day!
Please excuse the bad hair and no makeup, lol.

Jacob and his sand castle.

Me on the beach

The new baby chicks!!! They are the cutest little things.

Jacob on Easter in the back yard.

Catie on Easter in the wild flowers.

Jacob's first time bowling. He did really good too!