Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

Today is the big day, what do you have planned?? I am not cooking this year, in fact, I think I will get some scrapbooking done today!! Hows that for a great day?! I usually cook, but this year I have resolved myself to relaxing and slowing down a bit. That is my early resolution as we go into the holiday's. I won't be going out at 3:00 A.M. tomorrow morning shopping for that "perfect" gift for everyone, I'm not going to worry about every decoration being perfect, my homemade Christmas cards will be simple, the baking will be simple and I will watch "A Christmas Story" as many times as I want without my family commenting about it. Okay, maybe not the last one, but at least I won't care if they gripe about it! This is the year that we will slow down and enjoy the true meaning of the season and it will be perfect. Jeanette Lynton has been posting what she is thankful for every day on her blog here and that got me thinking, could I come up with at least ten things that I am thankful for? To my surprise, I had a huge list in a matter of minutes. Here are my top ten:

1. My husband of almost 16 years.
2. My kids, they have taught ME so much.
3. My parents, they are the "best" grandparents.
4. That I get to share my passion of paper crafting with so many.
5. Health, don't take it for granted!
6. Friends; new, old, cyber, I love you all.
7. Being a stay at home mom and being involved in my children's lives.
8. All of our animals and the compassion that they teach us.
9. Our annual family vacations.
10. Technology and all of the wonderful inventions that have made life easier.

I hope you all have a great Thanksgiving and take a few minutes to tell someone how grateful you are that they are part of your life.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Baby Card

What do you get when you have less than twenty minutes to make a baby card and you don't own a baby stamp set???? This adorable card! Yes, you read that right, I don't have any baby stamp sets...........not a one!!! Isn't that funny, I guess I have never found one that I just had to have. That's how this card came about. I went looking for a card that didn't require much stamping and stumbled onto this one. I totally scraplifted this from Lisa Stenz, I just changed the color scheme. This is a great all occasion kinda card and I plan on mass producing some to have on hand. I have been so busy scrapping for others and getting ready for shows, that I can't tell you the last time I did a layout for myself. I hope the weather turns cold soon because that seems to be when the scrapbooking bug hits me. My biggest challenge lately seems to be taking pictures to scrap. I hate leaving my camera out, but if it's not out, I don't think to use it. I'm really good at scrapping the special occasions, but I am not so good at scrapping the everyday stuff. So that's my challenge to myself, I will post what I come up with!!!

Card Stock: CTMH Heavenly Blue and Whisper White

Stamps: Playful Flourishes and Giggle Lowercase

Ink and Ribbon: Heavenly Blue

Cuttlebug: Swiss Dots

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Artsy Owl Card

Do you think of yourself as an artsy person?? Well, today I became an artist. One of my favorite places to go for inspiration is Michelle Zindorf's blog. Her creations are such an inspiration to me because she makes me want to step out of my comfort zone. What a talented girl!! Check it out

I needed to make a birthday card for my brother in-law, so I figured I would give the artsy thing a try. I used one of my most favorite stamp sets, Whoo Loves You and followed one of her step by step tutorials. First I stamped my little owl guy and then heat embossed him with clear, then I punched a hole in a scrap piece of card stock and sponged the moon. After sponging the dark blue sky, I stamped the trees with Lovely As A Tree. Yes, I do still have a few sets of woodies that I just couldn't part with and this is probably my favorite set. I then put little baubles on his eyes, which actually made him look a bit crossed eyed........all the cuter! Oh, and although I am not completely happy with the faux stitching on the sides, it covered up the ink that I got onto the white card stock when I decided the owl needed more ink around him. I may not be a Van Gogh, but I am pretty happy with how this card came out.

I have also been busy organizing the Boutique that we are having this weekend. It originally started out at Tompkins School, but that just got to be way more complicated than it needed to be. So, Mountain Bible Church has been gracious enough to open their doors to us! We have 22 vendors committed to this event so far and more on a waiting list. The youth group will be selling .50 cent raffle tickets and we will be giving a prize away every half hour! I would love it if you all stopped by to see me this Saturday from 10:00-4:00.

Card Stock: Twilight, White Daisy
Inks: Twilight, Indian Corn Blue, Outdoor Denim, Black, Autumn Terra Cotta, Bamboo, Versamark
Stamps: Whoo Loves You, Lovely As A Tree
Misc: Robbins Nest Baubles, Clear embossing powder, Outdoor Denim marker

Sunday, November 9, 2008

I'm a Blogger

Okay, it is official, I have joined the blogging world!!! I have really been on the fence about this because I pay for my Close To My Heart website and I spend a lot of time trying to keep that up to date, but I am limited by Corp. as to what I can do with it. My blog will allow me to share more of my creations and get feedback from you the reader.

Now I don't claim to have an exciting life by any means, but I will try to post often. My challenge with this concept is that I am by nature a private person. I don't even know if private is really the word I am looking for. Let's just say that I would much rather hear about what is new with you than bore you with the details of my life. My mom always said that I should have been a reporter because I have this knack of not only listening to someone, but being interested in what they are saying. I can talk to anyone about anything.

So here I am! Bookmark my site and check back once in a while.

I am going to start my new found freedom with a Close To My Heart creation. How's that for breaking away from the grips of Corporate control???? Anyhow, I finally got in the mood to put a memory box together. I am not a very sentimental person, but I thought it would be nice to have a place to put all my little mementos. And after putting one together, I now need one for all of my stray chipboard pieces.

Enjoy what is left of your weekend!!

Products used:
CTMH Memory Box, chipboard, Big Pinks flower, Sparkles, Glimmer Mist and SU scallop.

Card stock: Magic Moments, Hollyhock, Sweet Leaf, Colonial White and Cocoa.

Ink: Garden Green, Cocoa.

Stamps: Friendship Alpha